Name: Anti-Dom
Aliases: The Joker
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Weight: 160 lbs.
Height: 6'10”
Race/Species: Heartless
Appearance:Alignment: Evil
Personality: He is a fiendishly intelligent lunatic with a warped, sadistic sense of humor. Anti-Dom's victims have included Humans of all ages, Nobodies, and even his own henchmen, the weaker Heartless.
Weapons:Ace of Spades Keyblade:
Gummi Ship: None.
Fighting Style: He likes to give the enemies a taste of their own medicine by turning their own attacks against them.
Magic Mastery: Darkness Magic
Professions: He is the leader of a small group of Heartless.
Affinities: He is very good at hand-to-hand combat. He doesn't use his Keyblade too much and attempts to get in close to kill his enemies with his bare hands.
Passive Abilities: None.
Weaknesses: He is very weak against most magics and strong Keyblade attacks.
Home World: Halloween Town
Current World: Timeless River